Tuesday, September 7, 2010


You guys want to be freaked out? I hope so, because, If you dont, I advise that you do not read this blog!!! Some one asked me to do a blog on the snakes of Africa, so here it is! First I will list all the poisonous snakes in Zambia, and then I will list all of those poisonous snakes that we have seen/killed in our yard, and If you dont mind, I might list all the non-poisonous snakes, and maybe a couple funny stories, too!

Here I go!

Here is the list of all the Poisonous and non poisonous snakes!


Black Mamba
Green Mamba
Spitting Cobra
Puff Adder
Bon Viper
Lukuni Luma
Umwenda Kawa

Non poisonous:

Mole snake
Brown house snake


As you see, there are not very many non poisnous snakes in Zambia! So, I little tip for you! If you see a snake in Zambia, please avoid it carefully, because there is a high chance that it is poisonous!

Here are the poisonous snakes we have seen in our yard:
Cobra, spitting and non sptting,
Black Mamba
Green Mamba
Puff Adder( not in our yard, thankfully!)

And thankfully, that is it. But for the non poisonous snakes we have:
Brown house snake
Mole snake( At our friends house.)

Now for a couple funny storys concerning snakes!

One time, the first time we came to Zambia, a couple years ago, We had found a snake near our front patio, who was a cobra, and, the poor little fellow, was killed by Mwape during his( the snakes) lunch. He was feasting on a fat toad, near our front patio. After he was dead, he was still trying to swallow the hug frog. maybe If I can find the picture, I will blog it! It is quite a sight! Any way, to get to the funny part! We had the picture on the computer,and our land lady had come over to see how things were going. We were showing her the picture of the snake who had a frog, half eaten, still in his mouth, and she was intently inspecting it. All of a sudden, her phone rang, and I think she broke the world record for jumping that high with out a trampoline! Oh, man you should have seen her face!

Here is another:

One time Julia and Bradyn were playing out side, Bradyn was on the swing, and Julia was playing near the wall. Julia was playing house or somthing around these big Flower pots. Julia was inspecting one pot to see if it would work as a stove, and she looked behind it, and she skreamed with delight," Oh Bradyn! Come look! I found I big snake!" And if Aunty Miriam had not come up, and grabbed her away, I think Julia might be dead right now! The snake that she saw( And almost picked up) was a Mommy King Spitting Cobra!

I will rack my brain for some more stories( And check the computer for pictures!)

  Kamryn Allen
  "Go into the world and preach the good news to all creation."  Matthew 3:14

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Hey guys!  I need some help!   I have run out of things to blog about!   If any of you have somthing you would like to know, could you email me or comment on my blog, so I can blog about it, and then I can have something to blog about?  

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Horse (bare) back riding!

     Hey guys!!!!   Guess what!   At horse back riding yesterday, I rode bare back two times!  Here is the story,
                The first time I asked the groom if I could, and he said," Sure.  Put this bridle on Merry Legs( a tiny little white horse!)   So me and my friend  Sarah put the bridle on her, and just swung our leg over her back( she was THAT small!)   And we just rode her around.   So one time when Bradyn was on her, she said,"  I want to trot.   So Sarah grabbed onto the bridle and started jogging.   So when Merry Legs started Jogging, Bradyn wasn't ready, and just fell right off, onto her bum!!!   Thankfully, Merry Legs is only 2 feet tall!   
      So, after a good ride,  Rachel( our teacher) came up and said it was time to start our lesson.  We jumped half of the time, and did gymkhana the rest.  But for once, the horse that I was riding( called Twinkle Toes, who is known for how fast she is,) would not go fast!   I mean, I was kicking and squeezing with all my might, but she would NOT canter!!!   But after Rachel smacked her on the bum with a riding crop a couple times, she cantered heartily!
                Now, the second time I rode bare back was when I finished taking off the saddle, and I was about to put the horse in the stable, when one of the grooms told me," Do you want to ride the horse up to the paddock( pasture)?   Then I replied," But I already took the saddle off!"   " No!" He said," Bare back!"    DO I?????!!!!!!!!!!    So after a little help from the groom, I got on the horse and rode it up to the paddock, BAREBACK!!!   It was awesome!!!   But, the groom told me I wasn't aloud to go faster than a walk, so just in case you are wondering, I didn't gallop up! 
I will share my adventure next week!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What does creation tell you about God?

O.K.   Just take one minute and go into your back yard.   Look at the sky.  Look at the flowers.   Look at the trees.   Look at the birds.  Look at the people walking on the side walk or driving their car on the road.    What does creation tell you about God?  I am sure most of you know that God created every one and every thing.    He made the sky.  He made the ground.   He made the flowers.  He made those trees.  He made those birds.  He made those people walking on the side walk and driving their cars on the road.  He even made the earth that those side walks and roads are now covering!  
           Now.  Look at all these things.   Now, ask your self, What does creation tell you about God?    
           Well, by looking at the sky, you would know that he is thoughtful.  God knew that we couldn't care for His plants that he created all by our selves!  So he made rain.  Now, the sky is very important for that very reason.   If the sky wasn't there, than were would the rain or snow fall from?   It might come up from the ground.  But that wouldn't be rain.   Then we would have to walk in soggy ground all the time!!!   The roads would be ruined.  You see, God was thoughtful enough to make it fall, not rise!!
Part 2 tomorrow!
           Now, take flower for example!!   You could be the smartest person in the world.  You could know all the points and joints in the flower.   You could know all the fancy names for all the flowers in the world.   You could be the brainiest brain in the hole wide world, but no matter how had that person worked and worked, he could never make a flower.   Sure you can make fake flowers out of fabric ad things!   But you could never make a flower.   A real flower that could gather sunlight in its leafs, gather nutrients from the ground, and have all the brilliant, beautiful colors like all other flowers do!  So what do you think God is by this?    You would think he was smart.   You know, if the people who can make fake flower out of fabric are smart, God is really smart!!!!
        Now,  we have the birds.  

Monday, August 9, 2010

What is different between Africa and Bellingham, Part two

Here is the part two I promised!!

1. They call soccer football( it make sense!)
2. The skies are sunny all the time!
3. Beautiful and many species of birds.
4. Every one that can afford it has a gardener, and a house helper,
who helps around the house.
5. Every one has a wall around there property for protection.
6. There are very few two story houses.

That is about all I can think of (for now!!)


Friday, August 6, 2010

What is different between africa and Bellinghm?

Hello!!    So, every day I wqill have a subject to blog on!!!   It is part of my school.   Today the subject is: What is the difference between Africa and Bellingham(or America)   O.K.   I will do the first half today, and the second half tommorow !!!   It is going to take that long!!!
1. Mosqitoes.  ome malari, some not.
2. No dish washers.   You have to do all the dishes by hand!
3. Poisonous snakes
4. Steering wheel on the other side of the car
5.  Driving on the other side ofthe road.
6. You get a driving liscense when you are 18.
7. No Mc donalds, Burger King, Toco Bell, KFC, Star bucks, Dairy Queen, In-and-out, Red Robins, Whibleys, Basket of robins, Crusin Coffee, Jekle and hyde, Dominoes, Pizza house, and evey othe restaurant you can think of !!! 
8.Lady;s carrying 20 gallonbuckets on there head, and they do it WITH OUT holding on!
9. No parks
10. No lakes to cool off in in the summer.
11.  No snow:(
12. No Family:(((((
13. Boing sunday school.
14.  Sunday school in Nyanga
15.  hardly any internet
And about a million different things!!! 
Sorry Mom and Dad for complaining a little too much!!! 


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Be prepared to be...


Check out what we found in out attic!

( In the second picture, I am the one holding up the ruler!!!)

Monday, May 17, 2010



This is an advertisement for a lodge in Zambia, that, well, is pretty funny.

Cool Breeze Lodge, the best place to be all the time!!!!

This is an other one for a local shopping store in Zambia. (Find what is wrong. It is pretty hard, and funny!!!!!)

Happy:(adverb) Definition: Being glad or excited over a particular thing!!!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A very funny story

Hello! This story was forwarded to me, and I thought it was very funny. It is a true story.

So one time there was a teacher at a non Christian school teaching her students about whales. She included that a whale's throat is to small to swallow any one whole. This one boy exclaimed," But Jonah was swallowed by a whale!" The teacher said," No, he wasn't." "Well," the boy said," When I get to heaven, I will ask him." "But what if he went to hell?" the teacher asked. " Then you ask him." was the reply. I JUST THOUGHT THAT WAS SO FUNNY!!!!

Rhoda and her sayings #1.

So, we were all sitting around the lunch table(eating burritos. YUMMY!!!!) We had all already said thank you about a million times, except for Bradyn. I could tell she was thinking of something. I also was wondering why she didn't say thank you. Alof a sudden, Bradyn shouted out," Give me an Y!!!" ( I have no Idea where she heard this!!) Give me an U!!! Give me an M!!!! Give me an M!!!! Give me an Y!!!! What does that spell? YUMMY!!! And that started the conversation for the rest of the meal. We had Julia spelling out Jojo, Bradyn(trying) to spell Stephanie, and I think I shot out a Mommy. Well, when we were all clearing the table, Rhoda wanted some attention. So she said," Give me an J, give me an A, what does that spell? JOJO!!! She thought she was so smart. As to why I put this out, I don't know. I just thought it was pretty cute!

Friday, May 14, 2010

WE GOT CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We finally got them!! After many weeks of hoping and disappointments, we finally got them. They are layers, witch means they don't need a rooster to lay eggs, but they do need special feed. They are big, and VERY beautiful. Now, our family likes to name things. We had a little problem with that with our bunnies(who are all dead). For example, Bradyn first named her bunny Pancake. Then it changed to nibble, then sleepy, then minty, then Cookie, then Oreo, then the final name, Ma-moo. I believe she died in exhaustion of being named two times every week. Well, this time hopefully it wont be that way. Bradyn named hers Hosanna Savanna, Julia's is Love Anna Allen, and Rhoda's has no name, whom we call Rhoda's chicken. I wanted mine to stand out from the others, so I gave it a very long name. Here it is: Caned Katie Josaphine Marabel-la Betsy Mary Polka Anastasia Thumblina, Twinkle toes, Lia, Mustard Girl, Flower face, Verina Allen.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The horses...

Hi guys! I was just wondering if you wanted to know were all the names of horses in the last pool came from. O.K. Roxxanna and Queens page are my imaginary horses. Double Trouble, Dante, Twinkle toes, and Topaz are names of real horses at my new stables. I have ridden Twinkle Toes and Topaz. Topaz was my favorite. Double Trouble is Topaz's girl friend, and Dante is just a horse who is ridden often. If any of you were wondering, Dante is pronounced Dan-tae.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Question for the animal lovers: What is the fastest and most poisonous snake?

... Black Mamba! They are a type of snake in Africa. There has been no anti venom created for its bite, and it just so happens that we have found 5 black mambas in our yard the last 5 weeks. Only 4 of them killed. 2 today, one 4 weeks ago, and two 5 weeks ago. i dont mean to freak you guys out. We (me, daddy, Mommy, Bradyn, Julia, Rhoda) are pretty safe. We know the danger in a snake. We know that we could easly get killed by walking too close. We will run away at the site of a snake. We will probably run faster that the snake itself! No, we are not worried about ourselves. Its Jojo. She does not know the danger. She might think it is just a fun animal to play with( Jojo loves animals) If she was to go over to it and pick it up... I don't want to talk about it. We just really need your prayers. Especially since there in no cure for black mamba bite... If God wants the Mamba's to stay here, as a trial, just pray that he will take away the Mamba's and give us Cobras...there is a cure for there bite. Well, talk to you latter!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hello! I just wanted to make an announcement. The winning vote on our poll was... Kapenta!!! Now, the people that chose ordinary food, I don't blame you! The net runner up was normal food, and the last was cow intestines. i was the only one who voted for that. No one voted for field rat or Chicken Feet(yuck). Check out my new one!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I am...

GROWING!!!!! O.K. Here's the fact. On August 25, 2009, Mom measured me. Are family is just starting that, you know. Stand against the wall and mark it down. Anyway, about seven months ago I was measured. I was 4ft 11in. Now I am 5 ft 1 in. Ya baby!!!! So just if you don't notice, I have grown 2 INCHES!!!!
Well, I need to go!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hello!!! The most voted on in our last pool was... you would rather go swimming in mud!! Now, please vote on my next one. And after you are done voting, please leave a comment telling what you voted. Well, in the last on I voted for stepping on a snake and getting bitten by it, and on the most recent, I voted on eating Cow Intestines. Sounds awful, but good. Gotta go!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Book report, part two

Hi there guys!!! I am sorry, the first part of my book report got publish accidentally before I was done. Sorry about that! Well, here is the second part.
The mail character in this book is Tom Sawyer. He is a fun living boy, and is always getting into mischief. he is full of spunk, and is always looking for adventure. he gets himself into trouble too often!!!!
The other mail characters in this book are Huckleberry Finn and Joe Harper, Tom's two best friends. They do every thing together, so if you read the book, you will here a lot of them. I should also mention Becky Thatcher, Tom's female companion. They do a lot together too.
I think this is a comedy book( at least it should be!) It was set in the modern times of America. Tom Sawyer, is well, trying to get himself into trouble. From getting lost in a cave, to witnessing a murder scene, Tom Sawyer does it all! My favorite part of the book is when Tom goes adventuring with his companions, Joe and Huckleberry. The take a raft out to an island, and no one knows were the were. After two day of them being gone, every one gives up hope of them coming back. So right in the middle of their own funeral, Tom walks is and says,"Howdy people! What are y'all crying 'bout?" SIMPLY HILARIOUS!
My final word on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is that is was a fun filled book. I enjoyed it completely.
Now, Tom has been on MANY other adventures, so read the book!!!

Kamryn Allen

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My book report

Hi every one!!! I thought I would share with you the book that I just read. I really liked it, and I hope you will to(according to the report!)
The book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" was written by Mark Twain. This book has 224 pages and was published in 1986, by Penguin Books. I read this book because Mom thought it would be a good book to read. This book is a best seller and is very popular.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Just a small reminder....

Hi There!! Please vote on the poll!!! I think I did pretty good myself...

Part 4

...A big giant baboon!!!! We didn't know the danger, and we didn't know that that was a female. Also we didn't know that we were 2 feet away from her babies!!! We were like," Hey, Sydney!! Bring your camera and take a picture of this baboon!" BIG mistake!!!! First the baboon grunted, the she bared her teeth. Then she charged. At the same time, Macie was walking out of the rocket. She didn't see the problem. Sydney, Rachel and I screamed and ran for our lives. In our fear we didn't see Macie. All of a sudden were all in the rocket with large goose eggs and bruises. "Well" Macie said,"at least we are safe!" She spoke to soon. Through the door came a big BIG....

To be continued!!!!
P.S. Please email me or leave a comment if you want to be in the story!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Garbage, Disese, YUCKY water , all in one!!!



Hi There!!!   Now, this subject explains it all.   Yesterday, our director’s house was flooding.  Not with rain water(we have plenty of that around here right now!!!!)  but with SEWAGE water!!! You  probably don’t know how bad it was.   There is disese in that water.   Cholera, and others that I don’t even want to talk about!!!!  The water was rising evey minute, and our director said he wanted to evacuate.  So we(all of the grown up action workers, and  me to baby sit our directors kids) went to help them move out.   I took us like two hours to get there, because we had to buy gum boots, and we had to go through 3 feet of dirty water in our car to get there.   YUCK!!!  Well, we got there and the water was rising at the hour!!!   So I quickly hearded the two kids inside and put on a movie.   That keep them distracted!!!!   After that movie, I read some books to them.  Then we set up Ireen’s play house.    Then mom’s phone rang so I had to bring it to her.  I don’t know how I got the guts to walk through that water to hand it to her!!!!   Their house was surrounded with water, so I had to put on my gum boots, size seven, and tromp through the water.   YUCK!!!!!!!!


After two hours of entertaining the kids,  I said it was time for lunch.    They were pretty happy about that.  I was too.  So we walked down to their new house, right down the road, and got some lunch.   Ham and cheese sandwiches never tasted so good!!!!    THANKS MEGAN!!!!


Well, back to the movie!!!!!   We put on the movie Princess Bride,  but I stopped it.   Ireen was fine with it, but it was WAY to much killing for me.   I said we should color.   So we did.   I put on a different movie and then it was time to go!!!!    And you will never guess what 5-year old Ireen said to me.   “ Kamryn, when our house floods again, you can come and be my baby sitter again.”   SO cute!!!!


Have to go!!!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I was so busy with school, that whenever I got a chance to blog, the internet wasn't working. Today I pick to tell you about our mom's day out. It is a time when all us AZ kids go to aunty Karen's house, out in Makeni. While we are there, all of our moms go and have a good time together. They might go to get a manicure, or go shopping. This happens once a month, the last Wednesday is the month. We all carpool out to Makeni, and are relieved when we get there. There are nine people sitting in a car that can only hold seven. It is also a long drive. When we get there, we will go play. This first picture is a picture of all of the kids sitting in the tree. Then, when the moms are gone, we decided to go on a walk. We stopped by miss dil's house to feed the fish. The second picture is one of all of us standing by the tank. Before this became a fish tank, it was a swimming pool. When we where taking the picture, Caleb(the one with blond hair and the red hat) was walking and and didn't see the hole witch normally the people get all the dirt out of the pool with, and stepped in it!! Oh, great!! We don't need some onre smelling like fish!! And for added measure, he did it again!! WOW!!!!! Ten we went to the local playground. The third picture is a picture of me, Caleb, Ireen, and Macie walking across soem tires that were cemented into the ground. Aunt Karen wanted to take a picture of all of us on the slide, all staked up. Being the oldest, I had to be on the bottom. I was doing pretty good until Julia and Payton added on. This was to much!! I collapsed, with all of the eleven kids on top of me!! Yeesh!!! Then we went back to the house and watched a movie. it was the movie UP. Thank you Aunty Karen for the WONDERFUL day!!! BYE!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Uh, what is that on my plate?

Hi guys! Now, if you look at the subject, it almost explains it all.
Here in Zambia, the staple food in Nshima(it is YUMMY!). It is a filling,
easy to make and cheap food. Now, in America, our staple food is
hamburgers, hotdogs, and pizza. Now Nshima (the N is silent, so it is
pronounced shima) is quite different. It is made of the same thing grits
are made of, except it isn't so runny(and it usually isn't eaten for
breakfast). Now, Nshima is not eaten plain. You eat it with relish, which
can be almost anything. Fried caterpillars, (I have tried them and they
taste like French fries! Except the ones that aren't cooked very well. They
are still gooey on the insides! Chicken feet(which are eaten with the bones
and toenails!!! And, they aren't very yummy!) Cow intestines(they look like
honey comb and they and they are VERY chewy.) And, I was even brave enough
to try Field Rat!!!(it tasted like steak!!) Oh, and one more. Kapenta,
which are little tiny fish that are eaten with the eye balls and guts and
bones!! (these ones taste like soggy French fries!) Now, all of these I
have eaten, and I say these things by personal experience. Now there is
lots more. Beans, cabbage, meatballs, scrambled eggs, soya,(That is the
stuff that is on the plate in the picture, it looks like little pieces of
meat. It tastes like chicken. We have it a lot. The other thing on the
plate is the Nshima.) You name it!!
Well, I hope I didn't gross you out!

Monday, January 4, 2010

4 pictures for you

HELLO! I am so sorry I have not wrote in a long time!! Whenever I want to,
the internet isn't working, the power is out, or Dad or Mom is on the
computer. One of my New Year's resolutions is blogging 3 times a week or
If you are wondering what these pictures are of, I will tell you.
So, Sunday morning, at about 8:45, we heard some knocking at our gate.
Bradyn went out to answer it, and there were 5 kids asking to pick some
fruit/berries, called Msukai, from our tree. After asking dad, he came to
the gate and let them in. Mom was a bit nervous that we let them climb it,
cuz it was a 40 foot high tree! One time, I looked up, and about 40 feet
above me, there was this teenager sitting on a branch about as big as you
ankle! When I saw that, closed my eyes and prayed a silent prayer!!
Thankfully, all they left with was barrels of berries!!! Thank God for
that!!!! All of us felt good about blessing those people! Unfortunately,
they didn't know English very well, so it was hard to communicate.
Today we started school again, after a whole month off. I think I
like Having August, April, And December off instead of having June, July and
August off. Then You don't forget things!
Well, I hope you liked my update!
Alive in Africa,