Monday, March 22, 2010


Hello!!! The most voted on in our last pool was... you would rather go swimming in mud!! Now, please vote on my next one. And after you are done voting, please leave a comment telling what you voted. Well, in the last on I voted for stepping on a snake and getting bitten by it, and on the most recent, I voted on eating Cow Intestines. Sounds awful, but good. Gotta go!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kamryn, You are so much braver than me! Oh I do not think I could have ever tried the field rat, oh no... And please write some more on your story, I am still waiting to find out what comes through the door of the rocket and it is so exciting to try to guess what is going to happen next!!!! Mike Beall
ps Tom Sawyer was one of my favorite books growing up.