Friday, July 24, 2009

To be continued is to be continued tommorrow.

I am sorry to report that Kamryn is sick with a high fever and was unable to finish typing her story. Report back tomorrow and we should be good to go. Please pray for her as she and Julia are both feeling the Zambian flu...
Thank you!
Her Dad

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My creative writing story(using my spelling words)

One day,when i was going to college, my bachelor teacher said "We are going to go on a field trip today to count the musicians in Zambia,Africa." All of us were SO excited! Then this pretty girl named Ashley asked "When we are there, could we go on a safari?" Our teacher felt pressured, so he said "Sure."
"O.K. people" said our teacher "I am giving you 30 minutes to get your supplies. Then meet me at the basketball court to board our rocket ship."(They had to do the field trip all in one day, so they had to take a rocket ship) So my classmates and I ran to our lockers feeling excited. But I did not know what I was about to experience.
When the rocket arrived, we found our field trip buddies and boarded the rocket. The sergeant of the rocket said " 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Launch!" The engine fired up and

To be continued tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

99.8, 99.9, 99. .... No wait! 100.0! (If you are wondering what this is, it is a themometer)

Yesterday, right after playing outside I came inside not feeling well (I have a cough, so I wasn't worred) But then Mommy took my temperture and it was 38.2C(100.2 F) But after a good nights sleep, I had no fever and was feeling great. But do you know why I am better? Beacause those bad germs ran right out my nose and right up Mommies. Exept that the germs had babies inside of me, then disiding they wanted to move, They carried their babies with them up into Mommy to do more dammge. Did you know that babies work EXTRA hard to please their Mom and Dad? Well now you do!
So, to get to the point, Mommy is VERY sick. She has a fever of 100.0. That is hard for her, and hard for us to. We need your prayers. Here is your homework today: PRAY! Todly-doo!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What I like about living in Africa (and what I don't like)

Hello today Mommy thought I should do a blog about he subject of what I like about living in Africa. (I just added in what I don't like because you might want to know what I don't like too!)

What I do like:
I like having a dog (because in America we couldn't have a dog.)
I like having a trampoline (in the ground.)
I like having a big house.
I like it (almost) always being warm.

Now, what I don't like:
I don't like not having a dishwasher.
I don't like not being able to go swimming whenever I want to.
I don't like that it is FREEZING right now ( we are in winter season here and we have no heating in our house.)
I don't like that Max peed on my foot this morning.

Well, I better be going. Write to you tomorrow.

Monday, July 20, 2009




Hi! Beautiful day, isn't it! (I pretending to sound cheerful) As you all know,I have braces. I have had an expander. Now we are going to play a guessing game of what I have in my mouth now. I am going to give you five clues. #1:It is very uncomfortable. #2:It is very ugly. #3:You have to use rubber bands to secure it. #4: It makes you talk weird. #5:You can wear it. Now think. Can you guess what it is? Did you guess: A rubber band secured uncomfortable mouth guard? Answer:WRONG! Did you guess: Uncomfortable ugly rubber band makeyoutalkweird high heels? Answer:WRONG!(Those are SO out of fashion) Did you guess: VERY ugly uncomfortable reverse headgear? Answer: CORRECT! To those of you who guessed right: CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WON! To those of you who guessed wrong: CONGRATULATIONS! YOU LOST! To those of you who have not had headgear: Headgear is ugly, uncomfortable, and it HURTS! To those who have had headgear: You know what I am going through. Please pray for me.
Every one have nice day! (I am pretending to sound cheerful again)
Goodbye Today and Hello tomorrow!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Come on, Please smile!

Hi! Today I went to a church of one of the pastors my Dad teaches with my Dad and our intern Owen. It felt like the longest 2 1/2 hours of my life! The pastor(who's name is Joseph Zulu)was so powerful that he blasted my eardrums! There was about 25 people there, about 1/2 children. It was a good thing I brought my Nancy Drew book!(Even though I finished it WAY before the service ended) At the end we took a picture, and you really have to persuade them to smile! Owen took about three picture until he got half on the congregation to smile. Just wanted to tell you about my adventure. BYE!