Thursday, July 23, 2009

My creative writing story(using my spelling words)

One day,when i was going to college, my bachelor teacher said "We are going to go on a field trip today to count the musicians in Zambia,Africa." All of us were SO excited! Then this pretty girl named Ashley asked "When we are there, could we go on a safari?" Our teacher felt pressured, so he said "Sure."
"O.K. people" said our teacher "I am giving you 30 minutes to get your supplies. Then meet me at the basketball court to board our rocket ship."(They had to do the field trip all in one day, so they had to take a rocket ship) So my classmates and I ran to our lockers feeling excited. But I did not know what I was about to experience.
When the rocket arrived, we found our field trip buddies and boarded the rocket. The sergeant of the rocket said " 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Launch!" The engine fired up and

To be continued tomorrow!


Daughter of the King said...

aw, man, I really have to wait til tomorrow?! :)

you are a VERY talented writer, Kamryn. I like how you described the scene, and I felt like I could see the people talking and excitedly climbing aboard the rocket ship. I can't wait til tomorrow! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi kam,

Teeeeeeerific story. I cannot wait for the next adventure......BLAST OFF! I had to read your story to all the animals here at the beach and of course they all think they would like to blast off into space with you. Freddie and WhiteTop are sure they can fly higher than any rocketship can possibly go. Keiko wants to know if the rocketship has a large enough bathtub for him to ride in and keep wet for the space trip. Ollie wants to know if he can have a window seat so he can look back at earth? Oscar wants to know what kinds of snacks are being served on the trip. He is hoping that Sea Urchins are part of the snack menu. Of course MaCala wants to know if butterflies can really live in space.
Oh yes....another snack question from Freddie. Do you plan on having peanut butter and berry pie on the snack menu. You know how much he enjoys eating those yummy items.
Well Kam, I hope you have also saved a seat next to you for Bumpa, cause my bag is packed and I am bringing my camera to record all the fun moments of the trip.
By the long will we be gone from home? Do I need to pack my passport?

I lOVE YOU and can we possibly squeeze in your sisters, mommy, daddy and Boggie?

You can drop me an e-mail with your answer to all these important questions

Your Fellow Space Traveler