Wednesday, July 22, 2009

99.8, 99.9, 99. .... No wait! 100.0! (If you are wondering what this is, it is a themometer)

Yesterday, right after playing outside I came inside not feeling well (I have a cough, so I wasn't worred) But then Mommy took my temperture and it was 38.2C(100.2 F) But after a good nights sleep, I had no fever and was feeling great. But do you know why I am better? Beacause those bad germs ran right out my nose and right up Mommies. Exept that the germs had babies inside of me, then disiding they wanted to move, They carried their babies with them up into Mommy to do more dammge. Did you know that babies work EXTRA hard to please their Mom and Dad? Well now you do!
So, to get to the point, Mommy is VERY sick. She has a fever of 100.0. That is hard for her, and hard for us to. We need your prayers. Here is your homework today: PRAY! Todly-doo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kam,

it's Auntie Kerri. Enjoyed reading a bit of your blog tonight. I am praying for your Mommy! Hope we'll get to hang out with you guys soon! Hugs!