Monday, March 30, 2009

Hi... Bye!

Hi Guys. I have my own email. it is kamryninzambia(a@t)gmail(d.o.t)com. So, if you want to email, you can email me there. I just wanted to show you a picture of my Auntie Miriam and us snuggling with her in her cool shawl thing. I also wanted to say I got my wire two days ago in my braces. It is a bit sore still and pokey. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Papa said...

Hi Kamyrn. Loved the picture. The chawl looks cozy. Braces, they are abit of a pain, aren't they, expecially when the wires are poking the inside of your mouth. I remember when your dad and Uncle Doug and Dave had braces, which was a long time ago.
I loved your piano recital. You are really doing well. Could you hear us clapping???? Keep up the good practicing.
Papa just walked in the door from playing golf and said to tell you hello and he loves you.
SO DO I - - - Mogga