Thursday, February 26, 2009

hi guys! just saying I miss you sooooooooo much and I am geting my braces on Saturday. I am not looking forward to it. Max is doing good and so is JoJo. see ya later, Bye!


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the braces, I had them and they're not that bad once you get used to them. Just don't try to eat corn on the cob!!!

Herding Grasshoppers said...


You'll have company back at home. Wyatt and Tate are BOTH getting braces in the next couple of weeks. They'll just have headgear, to wear at night, to start with.

Be sure to post a picture of your new sparkly smile :0)


Anonymous said...

Hi Kamryn!

I wanted to send you a letter but I lost your address. So I waited and waited, and thought and thought, but I did not know how do get your address. Then about two weeks latter (Which is today)I rememberd your blog. So if you can PLEASE send me your address. Thanks I Love and miss you, Tell the athers that I miss them to.
