Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wah, wah, wah...

Hi everybody. I just found out today that I can't eat gluten either or milk. My dad still has it too. We will find out about Julia next week which she probably has it too because Daddy has it, we all have it, except Mommy. Poor mommy. Please pray for her. It is really hard because whenever Julia gets a cookie, we get a chocolate rice cake which are good too, but, not the same. I have to leave now to take my house helper home. her name is Auntie Miriam. I will leave now. Good bye!


Diane said...

Hi Kamryn! This is your cousin Diane, leaving you a comment to say hello, and also thanks for writing such interesting stories in your blog! I'm sorry to hear that you and Bradyn both have celiac too. I can't eat cookies either, but I agree that chocolate rice cakes are pretty yummy. I end up eating a lot of fruit for dessert. You're lucky to have a mom that will make gluten-free cookies every once in a while! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog entries, and send you all lots of love!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kamryn,
I love your blog! Keep up the great work! I've had cow tongue before and it wasn't too bad - actually, it made a decent sandwich. Sorry to hear that you have celiac, too. You are very blessed to have such a terrific mom who knows just how to take care of you, your sister, and your dad. You're right - God is good! It is exciting to see all of the cool stuff you are getting to see in Africa. How exciting to have giraffes there - up close & personal - now that is pretty awesome! The snake on the other hand... Tell everyone hi for me and keep blogging - everyone at my house is loving it. Take care, Kamryn.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Kamryn, that is rough. But you know your Daddy has lived with this disease for a long time and still eats good food. We'll be praying for you, your sister, and your mom!