Wednesday, August 1, 2007

32 days...

This is a picture me at my friend's farm. I think that chicken name is burnt marshmellow. Pretty soon we are going to Africa. Four days earlier we are moving out of our house. Right now I am in my jammies and I reminded my daddy I needed to write in my blog. I was wondering what animals you would most like to see in Africa. Please vote in the poll to the right. If you are wondering, I just wanted to remind you that today is August 1st. Only 18 days until my sisters Bradyn's birthday. She is going to have a tea party. I need to go to bed. Bye-Bye!


jkl said...

I am excited for you Kamyrn but I sure am going to miss you. Love, Sophia

Darin Gemmer said...

So cool that you have a blog of your very own! I can't wait to read about all your adventures.
Mrs. Gemmer

Lily's Spud Pad said...

Hi Kamryn,
Thsi is so exciting to see that you have your own blog - I will tell Dene' as I am sure that she will be just as excited. You willhave to check out our blog as well - it is at This way we will be able to see what's going on with each other.
Regards, Allan on behalf of the Joubert's

Lily's Spud Pad said...

Hi Kamryn,
This is so exciting to see that you have your own blog - I will tell Dene' as I am sure that she will be just as excited. You will have to check out our blog as well - it is at This way we will be able to see what's going on with each other.
Regards, Allan on behalf of the Joubert's