We finally got them!! After many weeks of hoping and disappointments, we finally got them. They are layers, witch means they don't need a rooster to lay eggs, but they do need special feed. They are big, and VERY beautiful. Now, our family likes to name things. We had a little problem with that with our bunnies(who are all dead). For example, Bradyn first named her bunny Pancake. Then it changed to nibble, then sleepy, then minty, then Cookie, then Oreo, then the final name, Ma-moo. I believe she died in exhaustion of being named two times every week. Well, this time hopefully it wont be that way. Bradyn named hers Hosanna Savanna, Julia's is Love Anna Allen, and Rhoda's has no name, whom we call Rhoda's chicken. I wanted mine to stand out from the others, so I gave it a very long name. Here it is: Caned Katie Josaphine Marabel-la Betsy Mary Polka Anastasia Thumblina, Twinkle toes, Lia, Mustard Girl, Flower face, Verina Allen.
Dear Kam,
What a name for your chicken! You lost me by the time I got to Anastasia!
Kamryn, that's funny!
You reminded me of a book that would probably make you laugh. It's called Catalina Magdalena Hoopensteiner Wallendeiner Hogan Logan Bogan was her Name.
We'll show it to you when you come home.
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