Hi everybody! I have a million things to say today. My dad just figured out a very cool thing. My dad has a phone that you can text message people on and guess what? On Skype, there is this program that you can type in your message and it comes on to your phone. And guess what, I text messaged my dad. This is what I said, "I love Dad :*" The :* means a big kiss. Today is my house helper is not here so she can't braid my hair. I miss you guys a lot. Sorry the poll isn't too good because I couldn't really think of another one. It will be better next time. Last night we went to the farm (Action Zambia's retreat center/library/home for some of the missionaries) and I have a friend named Gift. You probably know about him because my dad has some blogs about Papa Glenn. But in case you don't, he is Papa Glenn and Aunt Liese's adopted Zambia son. He is funny. He has a sister named Grace. Please pray for her because she hasn't got her US passport and she can't come to Zambia until she gets her passport. Papa Glenn and Grace are still in the states. My sisters Bradyn and Julia are playing, actually, I don't really know what they are playing. They have backpacks and they are journey to Alaska to brush their hair. Julia is trying to say wolves, but she is saying wolfs. Daddy tried to correct her by saying wolves. It didn't help. I want to tell you about Louie, our kitty. Louie is getting huge. He is about 2 months old. He is biter! He found a cockroach and a frog. Zorro, our dog, is scared of him. He is getting into climbing trees. One time I was reading inside and all of sudden I heard this meowing and I looked outside and Louie was hanging from a branch. I didn't get there in time. He fell on the ground. But, he is O.K. Whenever Zorro gets to close to the kitty, the kitty goes Wham right on his nose and then Zorro runs away. Pretty funny.
Yesterday I went to an orphanage. I played with my little friend Mary who is about 5 or 6 years old and I played with my friend Brenda, she is about 9 years old and we played a game called Chicken Feet. And guess who won? All three times, Brenda did. Thanks so much for the care packages... Sorry we already ate all the starburts. We love them soooo much! And, Kara, thank you so much for the bubble gum and coolaid and the lipstick. I am eating the gum right now. I miss you so much Kara. And Turner family, thank you for the candy and the letters and the magazine for daddy. And Magga and Papa, thank you for workbook and the stuffed animals and candy and sandals for daddy. He loves sandals. Here is something to put into the comments... Only if you know for sure tell me if you are going to come and visit me in Africa.
O.K. 1. 2. 3. O.K. I think I said a million things... Bye!