Hi! I am coming home in 1.5 months but I am not telling you the date! Today mommy and I had a date! We went shopping and we went to lunch. I had a potato with egg, bacon and splurged on some cheese. It was so good. I had my own coke. Yesterday, Daddy and Mommy had a meeting and all us AZ kids played at the farm. I was really tired but we had a lot of fun! We played cops and robbers. Philip was the robber's leader and Macy was the cop's leader. I was the robber's captain. Rachel was the helper. Gifty was the distractor, most of the time. Caleb was the substitute if Phillip or me got caught. It was fun.
Today, I made pancakes. I accidentally put in soda instead of salt but they tasted the same. We are doing three activities after school at LICS (the international school near us). I have on Monday a class called Science Investigators. On Tuesday, I have recorder class. I am borrowing a recorder from a friend. And then on Thursday, I have art class.
A couple of days ago, we found a baby cobra in our yard. Lungu had chopped it with a hose so he couldn't move, but he could still strike with his mouth. A couple of days before that Louie (our cat) found a mommy cobra about 1.5 meters long. Julia yelled, "Bradyn, Bradyn, look a snake. She wasn't at all scared of it! Auntie Miriam yelled at Julia to get away from the snake. That was when I was Rachel's house. When I was at Rachel's house, we found a tiny baby cobra trying to eat a baby frog in her empty pool. A lot of cobra's in just one day.
That's it!
Talk to you soon!