Saturday, September 15, 2007

We went walking and what did we see...

15 lizards looking at me!

We went for a walk around our yard this evening and saw 15 lizards. It gets so dark so quickly, but they have really amazing sunsets. I miss you guys so much.

Friday, September 14, 2007

My walking safari trip

Hi everybody. I just went on a walking safari last night. I saw a giraffe, and a couple water buffalo and quite a few antelope and couple of prairie chickens and couple of cute little monkeys. I miss you guys a lot and I hope you all are feeling o.k. I included a picture that Bradyn and I took of the giraffes and the water buffalos. I didn't take a picture of the monkey or antelope because they were too fast. I had a BBQ with my friends out in this campground area. I had a hotdog sandwich and I saw the milky way. That stars were really clear way out there. I am having really fun on the trampoline with my little friend Ireen. She comes over a lot. They live just right up the street. They have a swimming pool which is really nice when it is hot.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

So sad!

Hi everybody!this kamryn writing. Do now what is really sad ? We just found out that bradyn has a gluten intolerance like Daddy. We had her take a test before she left. We will find out if I or my sister Julia has it in about 2 weeks. That will make things harder, but God is good all the time and we will be thankful. Right now it is 7:18am and you all are just going to bed. Good night to you and good morning to us. I like school and my favorite subject is reading like always. Bradyn's favorite subject is recess. We saw a cockroach last night. But Daddy had to kill it. I didn't think it was gross when I saw it. But Daddy (and mommy) did. See ya later! Thanks for the comments... Keep 'em coming!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

I can't believe spiders are winning.

Hi everybody! I still can't believe that spiders are winning. Spiders in Africa aren't so scary. The only spiders I have seen are only (that) big. I am more scared of rats. I am not scared of them when they are in the trap but I got really scared of them when I saw it running down the hall and then Mommy got really freaked out when Daddy was playing footsie with her under the table. She thought it was some animal and she jumped in horror. She said she is a bit on edge. Last Sunday I wasn't feeling very good. I am feeling better now. I love you and appreciate your prayers for our family. Bye-bye!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Washing dishes...

Hi everybody! Yesterday my dad caught a mouse in my closet. And as you know yesterday was Sunday and the service was two hours long. As you can see in the pictures, I am washing the dishes. It is really fun. I was so excited to come to Africa because we would have no dishwasher. And do you know what is really annoying, is brushing your teeth. You can't get put water from the faucet on your toothbrush and you can't drink water out of the faucet, either. You have to boil your water and put it through a filter. But we are thankful we have water and after all the filtering, it is the best water I have ever tasted. Today I am going to start school. Last night when I was jumping on the trampoline with Ireen, I saw a rat or a mouse crawling up the wall. Have a great day and thanks so much for alllllll the comments. I love waking up and reading them.