Hi! I miss you guys so much! It is getting really closer for us to come but I am not going to tell you when!!! My daddy got his toenail cut off because it was really infected. I am so glad we are coming home. It is sometimes the only thing I talk about. I ask, "Mommy, when are we going home. See that airplane, I wish we were on it. Momma, I miss all my friends!" (But, I have a lot of friends here that I like, too!) As a matter of fact, I actually made some new friends - Rachel's friends from her school that I met at her birthday party! And you won't believe this, there was a girl there who was from Zimbabwe and her name was spelled C-A-M-R-Y-N! The other ones were Emma, (not Emma Whitfield), Sarah (not Sarah Melville) and that's it! Oh, an Phillip, of course, Rachel's brother. I'll talk to you later!