Hi! I am coming home in 1.5 months but I am not telling you the date! Today mommy and I had a date! We went shopping and we went to lunch. I had a potato with egg, bacon and splurged on some cheese. It was so good. I had my own coke. Yesterday, Daddy and Mommy had a meeting and all us AZ kids played at the farm. I was really tired but we had a lot of fun! We played cops and robbers. Philip was the robber's leader and Macy was the cop's leader. I was the robber's captain. Rachel was the helper. Gifty was the distractor, most of the time. Caleb was the substitute if Phillip or me got caught. It was fun.
Today, I made pancakes. I accidentally put in soda instead of salt but they tasted the same. We are doing three activities after school at LICS (the international school near us). I have on Monday a class called Science Investigators. On Tuesday, I have recorder class. I am borrowing a recorder from a friend. And then on Thursday, I have art class.
A couple of days ago, we found a baby cobra in our yard. Lungu had chopped it with a hose so he couldn't move, but he could still strike with his mouth. A couple of days before that Louie (our cat) found a mommy cobra about 1.5 meters long. Julia yelled, "Bradyn, Bradyn, look a snake. She wasn't at all scared of it! Auntie Miriam yelled at Julia to get away from the snake. That was when I was Rachel's house. When I was at Rachel's house, we found a tiny baby cobra trying to eat a baby frog in her empty pool. A lot of cobra's in just one day.
That's it!
Talk to you soon!
1 comment:
Hi Kamyrn, Bradyn,and Julia
I loved reading the Blogs you two wrote, you two do such a good job telling us what is going on at your place. Also love the pictures. I put them in "My pictures" on my computer so I can print them and put them on the refrigerator. Annabelle and Molly Bea were here visiting this past couple weeks and they loved seeing your pictures and reading your blogs. We are all anxious to see you and give you a big hug. We tried to call before they left but couldn't get a connection. I bet it is alittle frustrating when you want to have lights and they go out. But the flashlight tag sounds fun.
We miss you all and look forward to seeing you soon. Have your Dad email me the name of some books you would like to have to read so I can send them to you.
Talk to you later. Papa said to say Hi and also said the Backwards Bear said HI!!!
Love Mogga
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