Hi guys! Living by the water is great. I swim literally everyday. And, my cousin Darby is here. And we are going to the Kit Kitteridge American Girl movie today. We are settled into our home and we really like it. Mommy is going to have a baby is 21 days. I don't know what the name is yet, but I want to know! Just in case you haven't heard, it is a girl! I was hoping for a boy, but you get what you get and you don't throw a fit! The blogs are this exciting now that I am not in Africa. But, we are trying to raise some money for Africa. I am going to walk dogs to raise money for the orphanages. See you guys later!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My life
Hi guys! Living by the water is great. I swim literally everyday. And, my cousin Darby is here. And we are going to the Kit Kitteridge American Girl movie today. We are settled into our home and we really like it. Mommy is going to have a baby is 21 days. I don't know what the name is yet, but I want to know! Just in case you haven't heard, it is a girl! I was hoping for a boy, but you get what you get and you don't throw a fit! The blogs are this exciting now that I am not in Africa. But, we are trying to raise some money for Africa. I am going to walk dogs to raise money for the orphanages. See you guys later!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Hi Everybody! Sorry for not updating in a long time. I have been sooooo busy. (Aaron Gibbs is here. He says, "Sooo busy? Doing what? " Kamryn says, "Swimming. Yesterday I had a birthday party. Four people came. Two couldn't come. Check out this site to see what we did!" We love you and talk to you soon!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
counting down days
There is so much I have to say! I don't know where to start... We are coming home really soon. Only a couple more days! I am so excited to see you guys. We have a new countdown. 10 more days, 9 more days... etc. etc.
We have been rice and beans a lot for dinner. Well, I think it is because we are trying to keep our budget down. I am getting kind of tired of it. Is there any food that you get tired of? Please write down on my comments.
I gust want to let all you guys know how I love you!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
hi guys...

Hi! I miss you guys so much. I think when I come back to America, I will miss Africa , too. I can't be in both places at the same time. It is hard. I miss you guys. I will miss my friends here in Africa. I did my recorder class today. Everyone told me that I have the best teacher to teach me Recorder. They say he is the best teacher in the whole school. He never yells at anybody. Whenever you think another teacher would get angry, he just makes up a funny voice, and says, "Please, sit down and leave the poor wasp alone!" or "Sit down, please." Our worker Daka got a new son today. He called dad this morning, "Congratulations! We have a baby boy!" That was so funny. We went to see the baby and it was wrapped up in six blankets so you could hardly see any of the baby. Whenever you parted the blankets so you could see his face, the African's would just close it back up so you could see any of it. They are afraid that the babies will get cold. We love you! Bye!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Another update
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunday Update
Hi! I am coming home in 1.5 months but I am not telling you the date! Today mommy and I had a date! We went shopping and we went to lunch. I had a potato with egg, bacon and splurged on some cheese. It was so good. I had my own coke. Yesterday, Daddy and Mommy had a meeting and all us AZ kids played at the farm. I was really tired but we had a lot of fun! We played cops and robbers. Philip was the robber's leader and Macy was the cop's leader. I was the robber's captain. Rachel was the helper. Gifty was the distractor, most of the time. Caleb was the substitute if Phillip or me got caught. It was fun.
Today, I made pancakes. I accidentally put in soda instead of salt but they tasted the same. We are doing three activities after school at LICS (the international school near us). I have on Monday a class called Science Investigators. On Tuesday, I have recorder class. I am borrowing a recorder from a friend. And then on Thursday, I have art class.
A couple of days ago, we found a baby cobra in our yard. Lungu had chopped it with a hose so he couldn't move, but he could still strike with his mouth. A couple of days before that Louie (our cat) found a mommy cobra about 1.5 meters long. Julia yelled, "Bradyn, Bradyn, look a snake. She wasn't at all scared of it! Auntie Miriam yelled at Julia to get away from the snake. That was when I was Rachel's house. When I was at Rachel's house, we found a tiny baby cobra trying to eat a baby frog in her empty pool. A lot of cobra's in just one day.
That's it!
Talk to you soon!
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hi! I miss you guys so much! It is getting really closer for us to come but I am not going to tell you when!!! My daddy got his toenail cut off because it was really infected. I am so glad we are coming home. It is sometimes the only thing I talk about. I ask, "Mommy, when are we going home. See that airplane, I wish we were on it. Momma, I miss all my friends!" (But, I have a lot of friends here that I like, too!) As a matter of fact, I actually made some new friends - Rachel's friends from her school that I met at her birthday party! And you won't believe this, there was a girl there who was from Zimbabwe and her name was spelled C-A-M-R-Y-N! The other ones were Emma, (not Emma Whitfield), Sarah (not Sarah Melville) and that's it! Oh, an Phillip, of course, Rachel's brother. I'll talk to you later!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
An Easter Update...
Hey Guys! Happy easter! It's a little bit late. The power has been out a lot. We had the orphans over for Easter. We played a lot of fun games, had an Easter Egg hunt, watched a movie and had dinner. I wish you guys could have been here. What did you do for Easter? Please send a comment letting me know what you did for easter. I am curious. I took this picture I miss you a lot.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tuesday update...

Hi guys. How are ya? I haven't done a poll or blog in awhile because the power is always out on Tuesday night. But, right now it is on for a change. I am so excited to come home.
Here are some updates:
Mommy is feeling better. She hardly ever feels sickness unless she takes her whole pill. The vitamins are so strong they kind of hurt her but she knows it is good for her baby.
My sisters are fine. Bradyn is standing right here chewing on a pen. And Julia is somewhere taking a bath. Bradyn is recovering from her fever and sickness she has every week.
Louie is doing fine. He is getting bigger. It will be hard to leave him when we come home. Here He is right now purring as if he wants to talk to you guys! A couple of days ago I woke up and he was sucking my hair.
In school today I got an A in my math!!! In my Mcall Crabb which is reading the story and answering the question, my score was 10th grade. Whenever I get an A or A+ in my math, mommy does this "oh yeah" dance. Mommy is a really good teacher. I am glad that Mommy is teaching us.
I have some friends here. Macy and Emma Whitfield just had a baby named Marly Anne Taziona Whitfield. Her middle name is Zambian. Rachel and Phillip are at school most of the time and I don't see them as much as everyone else. But, I should see them a lot because they are my neighbors. We see the Roberts kids almost every day!
I was climbing an avocado tree and saw my neighbor. I said hello in Nyanga and asked if she was well also in Nyanga. She said she was fine in Nyanga. If you are wondering how I can speak Nyanga, mostly I listen to my mom and dad's language class.
I miss you guys so much!
Love, Kamryn
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
my Tuesday update!
hi guys! We are coming home in June! But I can not tell you when!but now that I think about it i think i can tell you! we are coming home on .............idjgidufhgjdhifnsh uhihgjfhg fghdfiuhl hguidhfjgbufhg fuhof. If you want to know when we are coming home you have to be able to read that!!!
I finished my horseback riding class. Maybe I will be able to do it next year! I had lots of fun doing it.
My homeschooling is going well. I am learning about Saul, David and Jonathan in my Bible class. I like math, but have problems doing the right problems. I love to read and I need some more books to read because I ran out of them.
Our power is better, but still goes out some of the time. Last night it went out and we played Flashlight tag. It was fun! We all made it the first game and then I lost the second game.
I got sick earlier this week with a bad headache. I felt really bad, but I am feeling better now. Now Brady is the sick one.
I had Tacos for dinner! They were SO Good!
The weather is getting much better. Warm and windy, but our yard is still waterlogged.
I played with the Roberts baby today who is 10 months old!!! She is so cute. I think I want a girl now! her name is Maddie. i miss all of you!!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
sour lemon
hi guys!! boggie and bumpa are here!! Vote on the next poll. Last week i rode bitter lemon. now i know why they call her bitter lemon! because she is so bitter! You guys will like the next poll!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Horseback Riding
Hi Guys! Today is Monday. Do you know what that means? (Bradyn just burped!) I am going horseback riding! Last time I rode a horse named Thumbelina. She was grey with white spots. A little jumpy, too! But she was very friendly and even put her nose in my hand. I hope this time I am going to ride Sour Lemon! He is a brown horse with a streak of white down her forehead. But maybe the people will let me ride my second favorite, Biscuit! He is brown horse with grey and black dots all over it and a white streak down his forehead. I hope it doesn't rain. If it rains, it will be cancelled. BYE!!!! And oh, please pray for no rain!
Monday, January 7, 2008
I'm back!
As most of you know I had a concussion with my head. So I haven't been writing lately. I have had lots of things going on. We went to Protea Safari Lodge again. We sat on the elephant again. This time it was even scarier because the Elephant got down on his knees and we got to climb up but when the elephant stood up, I felt like I was going to fall off. It was really fun though. And the python had more babies, lots more babies. Last time there was only three and now there are seven. This time we got to swim. One pool was warm and the other was cold. My head is feel
ing better now and I learned to trust that I was going to be ok in the CT scan and believe that i was going to get better. Thanks for all your prayers!
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