Two days ago a little birdie flew into our window. I picked him and put him in a box. He was alive when i put him into the box but he is not alive anymore. He was a little baby bird and he was very cute. We buried him in our graveyard by the snake. I hope the snake isn't alive and eats him.
Hi Kamryn, we really want to be your pen pals! We have had a busy week and it's hard to get time on the computer. I (Brie Ella) just turned 8 and I got a bunny for my birthday. I named her "Flopsy" because she has floppy ears. You can see a picture of her on my mom's blog www.kristiknifong.blogspot.com We don't have a blog, but our mom's has stuff all about our life. We can't believe the picture of the cobra in your yard! GROSS!!! You are very brave! Well, it's hard to type this much so we better go. We think about you a lot. Love Jaime Lyn & Brie Ella
Hi Kamryn from the Aslan Family! We miss you guys so much and wish we saw you riding your bikes by our house or your dad speeding by in his little red truck! We love your blog, keep it going, it's so much fun to hear how you are doing. You have such a bright and cheery attitude about all the new things you are experiencing there in Africa. Okay, have a good day, we'll keep in touch. Hugs, The Aslans
Hi Kamryn,
I still am amazed that spiders beat out snakes! When I was a kid, I had to close my eyes when we saw science and nature films that had a snake in them.
It's got to be hard to learn that you and Bradyn have celiac. But Kamryn, take heart because I think you can still eat ox tongue, pig's feet, chicken feet, dried fish and a lot of other things!!!!!
We love you, miss you and are SO GLAD that you keep us up to date with your great blog.
Louise G.
Hi Kam,
Bumps here. Sorry to hear about the little birdie who did not live after running into your window.
Your daddy sent some pictures and good story line about your safari trip. It sounds like you had fun and saw some great animals. Getting so close to Mr.Lion, did you notice if he had bad breath or not? That must have been fun sitting on the elephant with your sisters and dad ? Can you believe how far it is across and elephants back.
Have a great sunday and know that I love you.
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