Hi Guys! I just got back from Livingstone. You should go to Victoria Falls. It is HUGE!!! Here is a picture of it! You should go on a safari, too! We saw some elephants that were also HUGE!!! I was looking at the giraffes in the distance and I saw these big dark figures with white long horns stomping through the woods. I was like, "Cool, more giraffes and then I was like 'Elephants?'" And Daddy turned around and yelled, "Where, Where, Where?" And I pointed over there and said, "THERE!" And there was this other giraffe that was close enough to touch! We didn't have time to go to the Crocodile farm. But the pool was great. We didn't go to the Livingstone Museum either. I am glad that we were home for Christmas. Vote on the poll, please! Bye! Kamryn
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Hi Guys! I just got back from Livingstone. You should go to Victoria Falls. It is HUGE!!! Here is a picture of it! You should go on a safari, too! We saw some elephants that were also HUGE!!! I was looking at the giraffes in the distance and I saw these big dark figures with white long horns stomping through the woods. I was like, "Cool, more giraffes and then I was like 'Elephants?'" And Daddy turned around and yelled, "Where, Where, Where?" And I pointed over there and said, "THERE!" And there was this other giraffe that was close enough to touch! We didn't have time to go to the Crocodile farm. But the pool was great. We didn't go to the Livingstone Museum either. I am glad that we were home for Christmas. Vote on the poll, please! Bye! Kamryn
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Kamy and her baby!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Christmas orphan party
Hi Everybody! This picture is of me having my face painted by Bradyn. Today I am going to the orphanage. On Sunday, we are going to have the orphan Christmas party. We are going to play games, decorate sugar cookies (some are gluten-free;) and open all your presents that you gave. I think that is probably going to be my favorite part of it. We are going to play Alligator and Hippos (an african version of sharks and minnows) and we are going to do a relay race with books on our heads. We will have to run around the trampoline with books on our head and the person who gets around the trampoline first without the book falling off the head gets to go in the middle and get a prize or something. Please pray for our party on Sunday so that it doesn't rain (or hail.)
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Hi everybody!
I just did something totally cool! Daddy with me, Julia, Bradyn and Louie all did the elf thing. You gotta see it!!!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Hi everybody. Today is Saturday. Our friend Karen is staying with us (she is a friend of Kristen Gilfillan and she lives in Kitwe, just a little north of us. She teaches a missionary family with 9 kids!) I like her. She has red short hair and she is really fun to play with. We are going to the craft fair today. For Christmas we are going to Livingstone (near Victoria Falls) to see the falls and go on a safari. I really miss all of you guys. Thanks for voting in my poll and I knew you would vote for seeing us and so I wasn't surprised when I saw it. I will see all you guys later!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Hi everybody. Tomorrow is thanksgiving. We are going to a restaurant with all our friends. And there is one bad thing about thanksgiving that most of the things we eat for thanksgiving I can't have because of my gluten allergy and milk, too. But I will be thankful. I hope you all have a good thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving. Bye!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
gess what........
I have been sick for a long time. But Bradyn is not all the way better yet. But I am. We had a stomach infection. We got a finger poke. It didn't hurt. Tonight at dinner a bat flew into where we were eating. I was so scared I almost fell out of my chair:) Have you seen Bradyn's Blog yet? She just started one. Go to Brady's Blog.
I am going to start a new poll. It is not going to be questions about Africa. It is a question about all around the world. Boggie and Bumpa are taking a trip around the world. They are going to many places. Let us know which place which they are going that you would want to go to! It is time to go to bed now. Bye!
I am going to start a new poll. It is not going to be questions about Africa. It is a question about all around the world. Boggie and Bumpa are taking a trip around the world. They are going to many places. Let us know which place which they are going that you would want to go to! It is time to go to bed now. Bye!
Friday, November 16, 2007
I hate rats!

At a our first night here in Africa, I was sitting out watching a movie at 5:00am because I had jet lag and I saw a rat run across the floor. I was so scared I screamed. I hardly wanted to get out of the couch. About the umbrella part now. Today it rained. I love it when it rains. I love it because there is a million things you can do it in it, like get your bathing suit on and slip and slide on the trampoline and splash in the puddles or get your bathing suit on and ride your bike through the puddles. One day me and Bradyn in our clothes layed down in a puddle. It was fun. (Mom didn't think so-editorial comment by Daddy). We will put another poll up in the next couple of days. Goodbye!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Today is Saturday
Hi everybody! I have a million things to say today. My dad just figured out a very cool thing. My dad has a phone that you can text message people on and guess what? On Skype, there is this program that you can type in your message and it comes on to your phone. And guess what, I text messaged my dad. This is what I said, "I love Dad :*" The :* means a big kiss. Today is my house helper is not here so she can't braid my hair. I miss you guys a lot. Sorry the poll isn't too good because I couldn't really think of another one. It will be better next time. Last night we went to the farm (Action Zambia's retreat center/library/home for some of the missionaries) and I have a friend named Gift. You probably know about him because my dad has some blogs about Papa Glenn. But in case you don't, he is Papa Glenn and Aunt Liese's adopted Zambia son. He is funny. He has a sister named Grace. Please pray for her because she hasn't got her US passport and she can't come to Zambia until she gets her passport. Papa Glenn and Grace are still in the states. My sisters Bradyn and Julia are playing, actually, I don't really know what they are playing. They have backpacks and they are journey to Alaska to brush their hair. Julia is trying to say wolves, but she is saying wolfs. Daddy tried to correct her by saying wolves. It didn't help. I want to tell you about Louie, our kitty. Louie is getting huge. He is about 2 months old. He is biter! He found a cockroach and a frog. Zorro, our dog, is scared of him. He is getting into climbing trees. One time I was reading inside and all of sudden I heard this meowing and I looked outside and Louie was hanging from a branch. I didn't get there in time. He fell on the ground. But, he is O.K. Whenever Zorro gets to close to the kitty, the kitty goes Wham right on his nose and then Zorro runs away. Pretty funny.
Yesterday I went to an orphanage. I played with my little friend Mary who is about 5 or 6 years old and I played with my friend Brenda, she is about 9 years old and we played a game called Chicken Feet. And guess who won? All three times, Brenda did. Thanks so much for the care packages... Sorry we already ate all the starburts. We love them soooo much! And, Kara, thank you so much for the bubble gum and coolaid and the lipstick. I am eating the gum right now. I miss you so much Kara. And Turner family, thank you for the candy and the letters and the magazine for daddy. And Magga and Papa, thank you for workbook and the stuffed animals and candy and sandals for daddy. He loves sandals. Here is something to put into the comments... Only if you know for sure tell me if you are going to come and visit me in Africa.
O.K. 1. 2. 3. O.K. I think I said a million things... Bye!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I have lots of things to say
Hi everybody, I'll be right back. Sorry, I was just going to open the door for the kitty who was locked outside and I didn't even know it. I have a million things to say so be prepared. It was kind of a joke when I said come see us in Africa because I knew that all of you would vote for us. There were 254 votes. That is a record. Thank you so much! I am going to try and get to 300 next time. This is going to be a good one. Zorro, our dog, went to the vet 3 days ago and he stayed there for two nights and three days. And he has to take about a million pills and ear drops. He has a lot of infections. He has skin problems, hip problems, ear problems, rotten teeth and three ticks and that is it, I think. Today when we put the ear drops in, he was trying to walk while shaking his head, trying to get the ear drops out. It was pretty funny. And then, it was even funnier when daddy, well, he had to open his mouth and drop the pills in so Zorro was walking around shaking his head and going like this (kamryn just demonstrated bleha, blah blip) and smaking his lips. Even our guard was laughing. It was hilarious. Today I went to a church where the singing was different but we got a nice seat and with a cool breeze. Tommorow I have school. My favorite subject in school is handwriting which I have to learn capitols in cursive. I made a new friend. Her name is Brenda. She is at an orphanage called New Horizons. It is a really fun place. Last time we went, we brought games, some of the candy you mailed us and books. They loved the candy. Mommy painted our living room a beautiful yellow. I think my dad will put a picture on his blog, so be looking for it. Bradyn and Julia are watching Dora in the TV room. I don't really like Dora but some of you might. My daddy preached at church this morning about David and Goliath and how to fear God and nothing else. I like it when he preaches. It is always seems more exciting. (these are Kamryn's actual words:) I have a read a million books today. I love to read. Do you have any suggestions of your favorite books? I have almost read all my books because I love to read so much Yesterday I went to my friend Rachel's house. She has a brother named Phillip who is funny. She has a puppy named Coco and Phillip is afraid of Coco. They have another dog named Chisomo. Philip had two lizards that had babies. And just to let you know Coco kills and eats lizards. Yucky! They have a tree that is called the airplane tree. And they have a swing. And we made pollypocket houses. Rachel is good friend and I look forward to my other friend Kelly coming back, too. I think this is enough for today because my daddy says I should stop. He is one who is typing. Can I say one more thing? Yes, daddy says. Please answer some of my questions by the comment post. And be prepared for the next time when I have to say a million other things. See ya'll later!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The pictures of Louie
Hi everybody. Daddy has already had a post on Louie, but now you need the pictures. We love the kitty, but the sad thing is he has a hernia. If you don't know what that is, it is kind of a stomach thing. He has the biggest blue eyes and don't forget he is a boy. I miss all you guys a lot. I hope to see you soon. And if any of you come out to see us, you will probably get to see Louie, Zorro and our bunnies, too. We are getting our cage for the bunnies today!!! Vosco, our Zambian friend, is making it for us! We just got new couches yesterday. I miss and love all you guys a lot. Sincerely, Kamryn
Monday, October 1, 2007
Ox tongue... yuck!
Thanks to those who voted on the last poll. I voted on Ox tongue, too. Blech:} You should vote on this poll because it is a really good one. We changed it so you can choose more than one if you want to. I know that you guys are probably all awake because it is 8:47pm here and 11:47am there. I miss you guys a lot. See ya later!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
julia is almost 4444444!
It is almost julia's birthday!!!!!! sorry, I am gust getting a little carried away. I am going to a birthday party today, her name is emma I need to go now
Sunday, September 23, 2007
My day at the Safari
Hi , yesterday I went on a safari and I saw lots of animals.Like lions, kudos(which are a kind of deer) impalas, zebra, baboons, all types of deer, and this was isn't very fun but I also got to sit on elephant... Just kidding!!! The elephant was amazing. And after the safari I got to hold a python (but do not worry it was a baby). Our banana's are ripe and I miss all you guys. Bye.
Friday, September 21, 2007
It's hot.
It is too hot to sleep right now so I am bugging mommy and daddy. So we thought we would write a blog. Hmmm... What to write. Tomorrow I am going on a safari. Check out this link! It will show you where I am going... I will put pictures on the blog tomorrow... I miss you and hope to see you soon!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wah, wah, wah...
Hi everybody. I just found out today that I can't eat gluten either or milk. My dad still has it too. We will find out about Julia next week which she probably has it too because Daddy has it, we all have it, except Mommy. Poor mommy. Please pray for her. It is really hard because whenever Julia gets a cookie, we get a chocolate rice cake which are good too, but, not the same. I have to leave now to take my house helper home. her name is Auntie Miriam. I will leave now. Good bye!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Spiders win!

Hi everybody. Kamryn here! So the spiders won, but if you saw a cobra outside your door like we did, you would probably change your mind! We set a record on the last poll. 73 people!!! Thank you for voting. We are starting a new poll today. In Zambia it is important to try whatever foods people give you!!! For example, you should try Nshima. It is really good. But there are other foods that might not taste as good. For example, ox's tongue. We saw that at the grocery store yesterday. We also saw pigs feet. We thought we would do a poll of food that would be scariest for you to eat. Please vote and tell your friends. We want to break the 100 mark!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
My walking safari trip
Hi everybody. I just went on a walking safari last night. I saw a giraffe, and a couple water buffalo and quite a few antelope and couple of prairie chickens and couple of cute little monkeys. I miss you guys a lot and I hope you all are feeling o.k. I included a picture that Bradyn and I took of the giraffes and the water buffalos. I didn't take a picture of the monkey or antelope because they were too fast. I had a BBQ with my friends out in this campground area. I had a hotdog sandwich and I saw the milky way. That stars were really clear way out there. I am having really fun on the trampoline with my little friend Ireen. She comes over a lot. They live just right up the street. They have a swimming pool which is really nice when it is hot.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
So sad!
Hi everybody!this kamryn writing. Do now what is really sad ? We just found out that bradyn has a gluten intolerance like Daddy. We had her take a test before she left. We will find out if I or my sister Julia has it in about 2 weeks. That will make things harder, but God is good all the time and we will be thankful. Right now it is 7:18am and you all are just going to bed. Good night to you and good morning to us. I like school and my favorite subject is reading like always. Bradyn's favorite subject is recess. We saw a cockroach last night. But Daddy had to kill it. I didn't think it was gross when I saw it. But Daddy (and mommy) did. See ya later! Thanks for the comments... Keep 'em coming!!!!
Monday, September 10, 2007
I can't believe spiders are winning.
Hi everybody! I still can't believe that spiders are winning. Spiders in Africa aren't so scary. The only spiders I have seen are only (that) big. I am more scared of rats. I am not scared of them when they are in the trap but I got really scared of them when I saw it running down the hall and then Mommy got really freaked out when Daddy was playing footsie with her under the table. She thought it was some animal and she jumped in horror. She said she is a bit on edge. Last Sunday I wasn't feeling very good. I am feeling better now. I love you and appreciate your prayers for our family. Bye-bye!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Washing dishes...
Hi everybody! Yesterday my dad caught a mouse in my closet. And as you know yesterday was Sunday and the service was two hours long. As you can see in the pictures, I am washing the dishes. It is really fun. I was so excited to come to Africa because we would have no dishwasher. And do you know what is really annoying, is brushing your teeth. You can't get put water from the faucet on your toothbrush and you can't drink water out of the faucet, either. You have to boil your water and put it through a filter. But we are thankful we have water and after all the filtering, it is the best water I have ever tasted. Today I am going to start school. Last night when I was jumping on the trampoline with Ireen, I saw a rat or a mouse crawling up the wall. Have a great day and thanks so much for alllllll the comments. I love waking up and reading them.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
I made it to Africa!!!
Hi Everybody! I haven't written in a long time and I woke up early this morning so Dad and I are out here in the living room at 6:30 am to write in my blog. My dad's computer says 9:37 pm so I know that most of you are getting ready to go to bed. The pictures above are of our dog, Zorro. He is a great dog! We have a fun swing that I love swinging on. The trampoline is the best! I have been practicing a lot on the trampoline and I can do a flip on to my bottom. We have banana trees in our back yard. We just found out we have a rat in our house, a wall spider and couple of mice in our house. I saw the rat the first morning I was here while watching TV. It freaked me out! I yelled for Daddy and he saw the rat run up the chimney later that night. I have already seen a bitting lizard and lot of geckos... (Vote on our latest poll!) One of our missionary friends has adopted an african girl. Her name is Ireen and she talks in english. I like her a lot. When I got here I made friends with a girl named Kelly but she left to go home for furlough. I look forward to seeing her again in 4 months. I have been her for four days. All of my sisters and my mom are still sleeping. We went shopping yesterday and got groceries. It is really hot here. We have Bellingham weather and Lusaka weather on our google page. They are both sunny but Lusaka is 89 and Bellingham is 60. Well, I miss you all. I will write soon! Please vote for the poll!!!!!
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