Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Church at our house!
What you see on a drive around town
free ride! Not the safest way, but cheap!
The second picture is a picture of Zambia's collage grounds.
The third picture is a picture of a mini bus. People cram into these buses,
and I mean cram! You can't go a day without seeing one!
#4 is a picture of our property from the outside. The purple wall is ours.
5. Mwape! He is always there to open our gate when we get home!
Well, that's a summary! Catch more later!
year that I would get my braces off the coming month. Well, it never
happened. And last month, they told me the same about this month. Why did
I believe them? Because... I don't know! But I did! And here I am,
before and after!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Livingstone story Day 2 part 5
"Well," he said,"we would all go over the falls."
And he said it true enough! The current would have pulled us right over the edge.
"But," he said," That would never happen!" Ya right! Any way, we made it safely. They have not civilized this place at all, except for making paths and making a small loo and putting up a couple tents, which we were to have our high tea in. And not only did we get high tea, but a tour of Livingstone Island. And because the falls are in full spray, the ground is really wet and muddy, so we had to go on our tour bare foot! HEEHEE! It was fun! So we sloshed through mud while the guide gave us a tour. The awesome part was, that there are these rocks extending to the very edge of the falls, so you could walk on the rocks and look over the edge! And two of the guys hold your arms and you can lean over the edge! REALLY COOL! And guess what! We had to wear these really this rain coats, because the falls was in full spray. And mom didn't go with out getting wet by the falls after all! Her rain coat didn't fit, so she got SOAKED! Even in the middle of the island, you could feel the water! And the guide had to shout it was so loud. I forgot to bring a coat, so I was freezing! So since our feet were so muddy, they actually washed our feet for us! With hot water, and they dried them! So I put back on my shoes, and I sat down in the tent. And as I said before, I was FREEZING! So for a while, I was using a napkin. But then the very kind guide brought be a towel, and I wrapped that around my shoulders. Then I was warm. For high tea we had little pies, scones, sandwiches, brownies, cream puffs. YUMMY!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Part 3 Day 2 Trip to Livingstone
Well, I have to admitt, i was kind of hopeing that we wouldn't have
any more adventures How lame, right? Any way, it was cold seasom in
Zambia, and in the mornigns, it is cold! I got out of bed, and I
nearly froze!( I like to exgagerate.) But it was freezing. We were
planning a trip to Vic falls, a high tea at Livingstone Island(if you
dont know where that is, look it up! It will help you appreciate what
I will say later. So some how we managed to get dressed, and bundle
up, and go to the Lodge Resturant for a buffet breakfast. It was
yummy! So we got a taxi to Vic falls! To me, it is the best time to
visit, because that is when the spry is hardest, and there is this
tiny bridge, and it is so slippery,and when you walk across it, you
get soaked to the skin!( Mom wore a poncho, but what is the point of
going to Vic Falls in the heaviest season, and not get wet? Any one
agree with me?) I didn't wear a poncho, and I got soaked! it was
awesome! Afterward, we went to the market before the gates of
entering Vic Falls. They have so many cool crafts and things! It is
awesome! And the coolest thing is that they accept american dollars
which is great because I had a few! I got a gold snake shaped ring.
it is so pretty! We got back to our ladge, and relaxed.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Livingstone trip, PART 2- Continue of day 1
at 7! It was a very long trip, and Dad said though a text that we
were going to fly back! YEEE HAAA! At the bus stop, it was pitch
dark, and our taxi driver wasn't there yet. So, we waited at the
pitch dark bus station in the middle of down town. You know, after
all we had been though, I was actually beginning to think that our
taxi driver had forgotten about us. We had only been waiting a couple
minutes, but after all our adventures right after another, why not,
huh? Well, thankfully he didn't forget about us! He was very nice,
and sorry for being late! He drove us to our lodge, where we were
going to drop of our stuff and go to dinner. And surprise, surprise,
the power was out! And, to make it more scary, the lodge was in the
middle of a game park, so hippos and elephants and monkeys just rome
around this place Now, we were walking through the pitch dark, going
to our chalet, feeling like we were going to bump into a rhino! Note:
NOT a good feeling! So, we got to our chalet, we dropped off our
stuff, and we got back into the taxi. It was then around 8, when we
got to Olga's, the Italian restaurant where we were going to eat. We
got some pesto pasta, and ate it with out anything interesting
happening, except for the power going off and quickly coming back on.
When we finished, we got back into the taxi and prayed that the power
would be on then we got back. And unfortunately, in wasn't. There
was only 1 candle in out chalet, so it would be a very dark night!
But guess what! While we were at the front desk, the power came back
on! YAAAAAAAAAA! So we walked back to our chalet, feeling
triumphant and safe! We got into our chalet, and turned the light on.
Uh Oh. Surprise surprise, the light bulb was not working. It
looked like we would have to wait until morning. Thankfully the one
in the bathroom was working! So we settled into our cozy, cute
chalet, and went to sleep.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
My trip to Livingstone- Part 1 of 4
I woke up really early, got ready, and then we drove to the bus station. (Yes, we took a bus.) It was supposed to take about 6 hours, but I am not going to spoil my story by telling you why supposed is in italics! This was probably the most adventurous day ever, and you will soon see why.
First of all, we paid for a luxury bus, and we didn't get one. Not bad, but disappointing, because the Luxury bus was comfier, and had a bathroom. We sat in the bus for a while, and then the bus started! We were moving fast, and I was excited! For an hour and a half, me and mom talked, read, and I wrote thank you cards for my birthday. When we got to a hilly part of the road, the bus stopped abruptly. Mom said to the person across from us(who tried to give us a Jehovah's Witness magazine) " Uh-oh!"
I was kind of getting worried. Then, from the front of the bus, comes the driver. He said," I am very sorry. Our bus has broke down. We will have to wait for another bus to come from Lusaka to carry you the rest of the way."
Can you see why I put supposed in italics? Oh, but this is just the beginning!
So... we waited. And waited. And waited. And.... and 2 hours later, we caught sight of a blue bus coming up the hill! I wanted to scream!
And guess what? This time it was a Luxury bus! (So we didn't lose our money!)
So we got on that bus, and started driving. We talked, and read, with occasional stops. Oh, when out bus broke down, we stopped at Dallas Ranch(a farm in Zambia :()) which was ironic because we had people on our bus from Dallas, TX! HEHEHEHE! So we got to Kalomo, where our good friends the Murphy's live. Kalomo is 2 hours away from Livingstone, so we rarely see them. And they were also leaving for America shortly, so they came to the bus stop to say hi, and bye! And guess what! Our bus broke down! ( I was beginning to doubt if we would ever get to Livingstone!) But this time it turn out to be a blessing form God! We got half an hour to visit with them, instead of 5 minutes! And it was a good thing they came to the bus station, because they were the ones who fixed the bus! No, they are not mechanics. Simply the suppliers of super glue! WE FIXED OUR BUS WITH SUPER GLUE! YIKES!!!!!
I have to go! Toon in tomorrow(or some time later) to see if we ever get to Livingstone!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
purple berries that have a pit in them. They taste like soap if you bite
them, but if you suck them they are really good! I think I have blogged
before about the kids that came to climb the tree and get the berries. They
came this time too! And this is also mango season( I will post a picture
later). The only REALLY annoying thing is that it stains the ground when
they fall(as you can see!)
Some information on the poll

Hey! I thought you guys might want to know some things about the pictures I took! The fuzzy red flower comes from something like a willow tree. It doesn’t smell, and it is sometimes really annoying because when you are crossing under neath it, it always gets in your hair. Some one told me that it cures malaria(I highly doubt it!)
The berries are called musiniga! They are edible, and I will blog more about them later!
Steve Allen
Thursday, February 10, 2011
this blog, and then do the poll, voting for the picture that is you
favorite. If you like the palm tree plant thing, vote for it. If you like
the berries, vote for it. If you like the red fuzzy flower picture, vote
for it! Thanks!
P.S. I took all of these pictures!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
About my last blog

hey! We are back in Zambia, and I have to admit I am glad to be back! Seriously, though, it is nothing personal! There are some downer things about Zambia, though. And one of them are snakes. Black Mamba's, Cobras, all those. You know, I think our black mamba buddy there was really missing freaking us out every once and a while, you know, he couldn't, because we were gone. He was so glad we were back, he got a little cocky and came up and waited on the front porch for one of us to come out so he could say welcome back, and then see us scream and run away. Unfortunately for him, though, dad knew what to do when he saw him out there at 3:00 in the morning(jet-lag, ughhhhh). Dad grabbed the nearest thing to him and jammed that on top of black mamba buddy. And the nearest thing to him was a rubber maid plastic container! Well, get what you get, and don't have a fit!
P.S. When our guard got here in the morning, he(black mamba) was executed for his horrible crimes.