When we looked out the window, this spotted giraffe poked his head up to the window. The giraffe looked surprised and licked the window! Kaitlyn and I grabbed on to each other to keep from falling down we were laughing So hard! My friend Sydney got out her camera and took a picture. When we all looked at the picture, we started laughing all over again. Then Danielle said " Sydney, I think you are going to win an award with that picture!" All of a sudden, Chloe said "Guys, if we saw the giraffe, then we are probable close to the ground!"
Sure enough, the sergeant of the ship said " We are landing in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LANDING! As we landed with a BUMP, I whispered to Kelly " I am pretty sure this is going to be fun!" As me and Rachel stepped out of the rocket, we saw......................
To be continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. If you want to be in my story, just leave me a comment and tell me where, how and what you want to do in my story. Thanks!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Part two (2)
We took off! We were going SO fast! My friend Blake(my very good friend when I was a little girl) was so exited to be in a rocket ship, had forgotten to buckle his seat belt and when the rocket started, flew backwards and bammed into the wall. I looked out the window to see my cousins Annabelle and Molly Bea waving good-bye. I waved back and watch as they grew smaller and smaller.
When I looked up, I saw my Math teacher(who's name is Owen) purchasing tickets for for safari on his MAC computer and Bumpa and Boggie( my grandparents on my moms side) feeding Freddy the crow some peanut butter sandwiches. Then I hear Papa(my grandpa) ask,"Is there any golf in Zambia?'' " The sergeant of the ship said" There is a golf course right by the Safari lodge." Then I whispered to my friend Sophia," I am so exited I am going to shoot right out the window!" After giggling for about one minute, I grabbed my companions hand (who's name was Kara, my really good friend back in America) and said,"Kara, look out the window!
To be continued!
When I looked up, I saw my Math teacher(who's name is Owen) purchasing tickets for for safari on his MAC computer and Bumpa and Boggie( my grandparents on my moms side) feeding Freddy the crow some peanut butter sandwiches. Then I hear Papa(my grandpa) ask,"Is there any golf in Zambia?'' " The sergeant of the ship said" There is a golf course right by the Safari lodge." Then I whispered to my friend Sophia," I am so exited I am going to shoot right out the window!" After giggling for about one minute, I grabbed my companions hand (who's name was Kara, my really good friend back in America) and said,"Kara, look out the window!
To be continued!
Friday, July 24, 2009
To be continued is to be continued tommorrow.
I am sorry to report that Kamryn is sick with a high fever and was unable to finish typing her story. Report back tomorrow and we should be good to go. Please pray for her as she and Julia are both feeling the Zambian flu...
Thank you!
Her Dad
Thank you!
Her Dad
Thursday, July 23, 2009
My creative writing story(using my spelling words)
One day,when i was going to college, my bachelor teacher said "We are going to go on a field trip today to count the musicians in Zambia,Africa." All of us were SO excited! Then this pretty girl named Ashley asked "When we are there, could we go on a safari?" Our teacher felt pressured, so he said "Sure."
"O.K. people" said our teacher "I am giving you 30 minutes to get your supplies. Then meet me at the basketball court to board our rocket ship."(They had to do the field trip all in one day, so they had to take a rocket ship) So my classmates and I ran to our lockers feeling excited. But I did not know what I was about to experience.
When the rocket arrived, we found our field trip buddies and boarded the rocket. The sergeant of the rocket said " 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Launch!" The engine fired up and
To be continued tomorrow!
"O.K. people" said our teacher "I am giving you 30 minutes to get your supplies. Then meet me at the basketball court to board our rocket ship."(They had to do the field trip all in one day, so they had to take a rocket ship) So my classmates and I ran to our lockers feeling excited. But I did not know what I was about to experience.
When the rocket arrived, we found our field trip buddies and boarded the rocket. The sergeant of the rocket said " 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Launch!" The engine fired up and
To be continued tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
99.8, 99.9, 99. .... No wait! 100.0! (If you are wondering what this is, it is a themometer)
Yesterday, right after playing outside I came inside not feeling well (I have a cough, so I wasn't worred) But then Mommy took my temperture and it was 38.2C(100.2 F) But after a good nights sleep, I had no fever and was feeling great. But do you know why I am better? Beacause those bad germs ran right out my nose and right up Mommies. Exept that the germs had babies inside of me, then disiding they wanted to move, They carried their babies with them up into Mommy to do more dammge. Did you know that babies work EXTRA hard to please their Mom and Dad? Well now you do!
So, to get to the point, Mommy is VERY sick. She has a fever of 100.0. That is hard for her, and hard for us to. We need your prayers. Here is your homework today: PRAY! Todly-doo!
So, to get to the point, Mommy is VERY sick. She has a fever of 100.0. That is hard for her, and hard for us to. We need your prayers. Here is your homework today: PRAY! Todly-doo!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What I like about living in Africa (and what I don't like)
Hello today Mommy thought I should do a blog about he subject of what I like about living in Africa. (I just added in what I don't like because you might want to know what I don't like too!)
What I do like:
I like having a dog (because in America we couldn't have a dog.)
I like having a trampoline (in the ground.)
I like having a big house.
I like it (almost) always being warm.
Now, what I don't like:
I don't like not having a dishwasher.
I don't like not being able to go swimming whenever I want to.
I don't like that it is FREEZING right now ( we are in winter season here and we have no heating in our house.)
I don't like that Max peed on my foot this morning.
Well, I better be going. Write to you tomorrow.
What I do like:
I like having a dog (because in America we couldn't have a dog.)
I like having a trampoline (in the ground.)
I like having a big house.
I like it (almost) always being warm.
Now, what I don't like:
I don't like not having a dishwasher.
I don't like not being able to go swimming whenever I want to.
I don't like that it is FREEZING right now ( we are in winter season here and we have no heating in our house.)
I don't like that Max peed on my foot this morning.
Well, I better be going. Write to you tomorrow.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hi! Beautiful day, isn't it! (I pretending to sound cheerful) As you all know,I have braces. I have had an expander. Now we are going to play a guessing game of what I have in my mouth now. I am going to give you five clues. #1:It is very uncomfortable. #2:It is very ugly. #3:You have to use rubber bands to secure it. #4: It makes you talk weird. #5:You can wear it. Now think. Can you guess what it is? Did you guess: A rubber band secured uncomfortable mouth guard? Answer:WRONG! Did you guess: Uncomfortable ugly rubber band makeyoutalkweird high heels? Answer:WRONG!(Those are SO out of fashion) Did you guess: VERY ugly uncomfortable reverse headgear? Answer: CORRECT! To those of you who guessed right: CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WON! To those of you who guessed wrong: CONGRATULATIONS! YOU LOST! To those of you who have not had headgear: Headgear is ugly, uncomfortable, and it HURTS! To those who have had headgear: You know what I am going through. Please pray for me.
Every one have nice day! (I am pretending to sound cheerful again)
Goodbye Today and Hello tomorrow!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Come on, Please smile!
Hi! Today I went to a church of one of the pastors my Dad teaches with my Dad and our intern Owen. It felt like the longest 2 1/2 hours of my life! The pastor(who's name is Joseph Zulu)was so powerful that he blasted my eardrums! There was about 25 people there, about 1/2 children. It was a good thing I brought my Nancy Drew book!(Even though I finished it WAY before the service ended) At the end we took a picture, and you really have to persuade them to smile! Owen took about three picture until he got half on the congregation to smile. Just wanted to tell you about my adventure. BYE!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Summer in Winter
Hi there! Today..........Well.....................How do I say this? O.K. Got it! Here in Zambia it is cold season(or what we call Winter) But it is actually summer. Get it? Well, if not, let me explain. Cold season here is always about 60 degrees.
But instead of being 60 degrees, it is actually 85 degrees. It is always the unexpected here. (Pretend I am the Weather Man) "Hello there people! This week in Zambia is going to be cold. The skies are going to be clear, but the air cold. I am talking like, 60 degrees. So turn on the heater and pull on the jackets. Well, folks, This is 2009 Zambia radio. Thanks for listening."(end of talk) The next week: " It is so hot out you could fry an egg on the road!"(I cant say side walk because there are no side walks here. People just walk on the road. It is good enough.) Moral of story: Never,and I mean NEVER trust a Weather Man!(or woman)
That is enough for Today! BYE!
But instead of being 60 degrees, it is actually 85 degrees. It is always the unexpected here. (Pretend I am the Weather Man) "Hello there people! This week in Zambia is going to be cold. The skies are going to be clear, but the air cold. I am talking like, 60 degrees. So turn on the heater and pull on the jackets. Well, folks, This is 2009 Zambia radio. Thanks for listening."(end of talk) The next week: " It is so hot out you could fry an egg on the road!"(I cant say side walk because there are no side walks here. People just walk on the road. It is good enough.) Moral of story: Never,and I mean NEVER trust a Weather Man!(or woman)
That is enough for Today! BYE!
Sunday, July 5, 2009

HI! I have some BIG news! Yesterday, we welcomed a new member into our family. It is not a dog(I simply CANNOT have another one!), not a cat(We have already been through one of those), Thankfully not a Giraffe.Actually, it would be cool,and I could get my stuffed animal down from the roof,(don't ask how it got up there!).......nah, WAY TO MUCH DODO TO CLEAN UP!,is it a, well I don't know, but maybe a little girl? WELL,IF YOU GUESSED THAT YOU ARE RIGHT! On July 4, 2009, we adopted a little girl named Rhoda! Some of you might be surprised that we are adopting her. She is four, and we are changing her name to Jennifer. Her full name will be Jennifer Rhoda Allen. She is such a sweetie. She still has accidents,so we are trying to get her to tell us when she has to go. Well, when you gotta go, you gotta go.If you have any more questions about her, just write to me in a comment. Right now, Daddy, Bradyn, and Julia are doing a 550 piece puzzle of zacceuss(you know, the tiny tax collector in the sycamore tree?)I am, well, writing to you. Mommy and Rhoda are putting clothes on the clothes line. JoJo is, Where is JoJo? Probably crawling around getting into................ Crash! See! I told you! There goes the candle holder thingy!
Well, I gotta go eat lunch! Bye!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
HI!!!! I am SO sorry that I have not blogged in a long time!!!! I have SO many things to say it is going to take HOURS!!!!! My birthday is coming up,in about a month. Then I am going to be double digits! And I will be in 5th grade! Another family on the AZ team arrived yesterday. They are the Whitfield's. And also when the Melville's leave,who is left to be the oldest in the AZ team? Oh,just ME!!!!!It is really quite scary. Today we went to the orphanage and taught the orphans the maccaraina and the hockey pokey. It was fun. Every Friday I go horse riding at a stables called "trot over stables". I got put in a hard class. You have to jump and stuff like that. sorry! I bet you can guess who just broke the couch! B-R-A-D-Y-N!! It was not a very good idea to be standing on the top of the couch trying to get something of the cabinet! There was some really good cookies at the store today and I ate so many I had a stomach pain. Have to go! tisoinana!(that means bye in nyanga)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
BAD DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The picture here is one taken in the corner of our living room,in front of our(actually someone is storing it there,I am quite sad to give it back)wooden giraffe.
have to go,
Monday, March 30, 2009
Hi... Bye!
Hi Guys. I have my own email. it is kamryninzambia(a@t)gmail(d.o.t)com. So, if you want to email, you can email me there. I just wanted to show you a picture of my Auntie Miriam and us snuggling with her in her cool shawl thing. I also wanted to say I got my wire two days ago in my braces. It is a bit sore still and pokey. Have a great week!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A little recital for the grandparents...
Dad here stealing a little Kamryn blog space to post our oldest daughter giving her blog-recital of her playing piano... We miss you grandparents, and maybe this will help lessen the distance with this little personal concert.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
It's raining, It's pouring, Bradyn is snoring!!!!!!!
Hi!!! Sorry I haven't Blogged in a long time, I have been really busy . Yesterday I was supposed to go horse back riding, BUT it was just POURING!!!!!!!!!it rained SO hard I thought it was going to flood!!!! Poor horses!!!!!!! Julia was supposed to go horse back riding, and guess what? It did the exact same thing!!!!!!!!! POURED!!!!!!!!!!!!! And guess what she did? Oh, she just cried for a hour non stop. Poor Julia!!!!!!! But we had waffles and we are going to an orphanage called Kids Link. It is Zambian run and they have about 10 kids there. Lots of them are getting adopted. Well, my braces are getting easier to wear. I get my wire on the 28 of this month!!!!! Please be praying for me.
love you guys!!!!!!
love you guys!!!!!!
love, Kamryn
P.S. Julia's blog is
P.S. Julia's blog is
Sunday, March 1, 2009
- hi, yesterday I got my braces. I got to chose the color, and I chose blue. I also got my expander. it is not a very fun thing to have! It is hard to talk, it hurts, you cant eat solid food without it getting stuck under neath it, did i mention it hurts? I got it on my top jaw. the doctor is really nice, and so is the nurse.
- Our friends, the Guffy's are staying with us. They have three dauters, one is seven, one is five, and one is one.:) They are nice too!
- Have you read any good books? E-mail me if you have. bye!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
MAX, books and fun!
Hi G
uys! You might of heard that Max came yesterday. He is staying her for good now. He is so cute. He is sleeping right now. Whenever you sit down he will run over to you and lick you and try to bite your nose. Or if you have long hair, he will try to bite it. Guess what? Mommy cut her hair cut really short today. I'll put some pictures up later. I am reading a lot of books lately. My favorite fewI have read is: The Marvelous Land of Oz and The Golddust and the quest for the Egg and Freddy goes to Florida. I need a couple more books to read. I also read Little Women but I wish Beth wouldn't have died. I wish Jo would have married Laurie. Happy Late Valentine's Day! Well, I love you all!!! Please leave comments or email me some titles of books you like... Allens(at)aliveinafrica(dot)com
Saturday, February 21, 2009
hi! i went horse back riding yesterday,the name of the horse I was riding was ''Minnie" and my friend kaitlyn came over for a sleep over.We had a busy saturday! But now it is sunday, And we are going to two churches today. I miss you guys soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ex. ex. ex. much!!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I safaried!
Hey Guys! We went to Protea for the third time. We went there because the Knifongs and the Huckaby's and we were celebrating. I think you have heard about Protea before, right? It is where I sat on the elephant and held the python. Well, this time they didn't have pythons that were tame. Pretty sad:( Well, I got up on the Elephant again. And this time I went up all alone. It was amazing. When the elephant was standing up from kneeling down, my shoe fell off. I was afraid
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Our neibors,
hi guys! Miss you!The knifong parents are visiting Zambia. They are thinking about moving here. They have five kids.Jamilyn,age 11,Bri Ella,age 9, Hogan,age 4, Benjamin,age 2 or 3,and Marybeth,age 1. Our wall is going up fast. We are like''SLOW DOWN!!!!!! They don't listen. The reason I don't want the wall to go up is because....WHAT!!!!!!o.k um sorry! but my dad just saw a snake in the front yard! time to get my feet off the ground!!! back to the point, i don't want the

wall to go up because met our neighbors, and they are nice. I miss you guys and I will blog again soon.
P.S. Check out Julia's new blog.
wall to go up because met our neighbors, and they are nice. I miss you guys and I will blog again soon.
P.S. Check out Julia's new blog.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
we adopted a orphaned baby boy!!
miss you guys!!!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
were here!!!!!!!!!
hi guys!!!!!! sorry i haven't blogged in a long time,we are in Africa!!! i miss you guys alot!!!! if you have not heard, we had a big thunder storm two days ago. our kitchen flooded!! the living room leaked and mom and dads bedroomleaked too. If our house was that bad, imagine what it would be like in the compounds!!!(our electricity got knocked out!) be praying for them!!! did i mention that our back wall fell down!!!!!!!!!!! but i am glad the wall fell down because we met our neighbors and they are very nice,and they have six dogs!!!!!!!!! miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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